What is an Online Class or Virtual Classroom?
Online classes are conducted over the internet. Over the years we have noticed a need for flexibility as the UNISA students come from many different walks of life. For this reason, the classes we offer are now online recordings. This makes it easier for students to access and listen to their recordings at a time that suits them best. The recordings are uploaded online and are available for students to access throughout the year. They can listen at any time of the day and can pause, rewind and re-listen as often as they need.
The forum that Psych Online Tutors uses is called MeritHub. MeritHub also offers support to students in the event that you may have any online challenges. In order to attend the online classes, students will need to have access to a computer and the internet. The classes cannot be downloaded.
Students are able to allocate their own time to listen to the recordings and they will be able to discuss the work and ask questions with their tutors and their fellow students via Whatsapp, in a private group. All tutorials will cover the topics needed for that module. These topics will prepare you for the assignments, portfolios and exams.
To get more of a visual of the platform that we use, please watch this video: